Dear Visitor, You might know already that Search Engine Optimization is the back-bone of your blog. Your all over success and popularity depends on it. If you done a perfect SEO of your blog, you will probably see good results out coming within in few time. But, if you don't have than the results will be negative. So, I have prepared a list of all the necessary steps you must implement in your blog to make its SEO perfect.
Sometimes people new to the blogging world also waste their huge amount on hiring SEO experts for their blogs but I am not in this favor because Search Engine Optimization of your blog is not such a hard job and you can do it easily by your own.
Best SEO Blogger Tricks
1. Use Suitable, Relevant and Attractive Post Title
Yes thats true, you should use a relevant, suitable and handsome title for your post. Because as its human nature that whenever a person searches something and your post appears in it, if your post title is handsome the searcher will speedily land on your blog. So, just see the under tips to make your post titles attractive.
Use Targeted Keywords in your post title.
Don't make it too long or too short, just make it that way so the people can understand it.
Don't use complex wording in titles because usually people search using common words and in this way your post will not appear
Never use more than 65 characters in your post title.
2. Use Targeted Keywords In Your Article
Use targeted keywords in your article as it is considered an important part of the upon-page SEO, but hold in mind dont use it too much because it will arrive in the criteria of Black Hat SEO than. Ideal keyword density, used in an article is about 2-5%.
2. Use Targeted Keywords In Your Article
Use targeted keywords in your article as it is considered an important part of the upon-page SEO, but hold in mind dont use it too much because it will arrive in the criteria of Black Hat SEO than. Ideal keyword density, used in an article is about 2-5%.
3. Show Post Title First In Search Engines
By default in blogger templates, the blog title is displayed first in search engine and the post title is displayed after it. This should not happen because if your blog title is long, when people will search something related to your blog niche, your blog posts will also appear but in search your blog title will be visible only due to which the visitors will not visit your blog. So, for correcting this thing we have had to add a fragment of coding in blogger template.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
Search for <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
Replace the above code with under codes.
<b:if cond=data:blog.pageType == "index"> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>
4. Turn upon H2 Heading Tag For Post Title
Headings are the most important HTML tags. Usually we use H1 tag for blogs post and H2 for the post titles but by default in blogger templates, blogger uses H3 for post title so we must promote post titles from H3 to H2. See the trick number three in the following link to turn upon H2 heading tag for post title.
5. Optimize Labels Links In Blogger
Labels are very precious items in blogger as we can use them as separate categories. But these labels sometimes provide difficulty for the search engine because search engine crawlers take these labels as content pages and index them. So, we have to say the crawlers that they are not allowed for indexing so that it shouldn't make the duplicate content issue.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
Search for <a expr:href=data:label.url
Replace the above code with the under code
Save Template!
<a expr:href=data:label.url rel=tag
6. Optimize Comment Content Links
Do you get immense amount of comments daily ? Then you might have noticed that some commentator's insert the outgoing and irrelevant links in the comments which are not fine for the proper SEO. So, we've to insert the no-follow attribute for it which will say the search engine's crawler to do not follow it.
Do you get immense amount of comments daily ? Then you might have noticed that some commentator's insert the outgoing and irrelevant links in the comments which are not fine for the proper SEO. So, we've to insert the no-follow attribute for it which will say the search engine's crawler to do not follow it.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
Search for expr:href=data:post.createLinkUrl
Replace the above code with this following.
Save it.
rel=external nofollow expr:href=data:post.createLinkUrl
7. Optimize Blog Archive Widget For Better SEO
This problem is almost same with the optimizing labels links. Archive and Labels pages show the similar posts which are sent to the search engine for index. Now, the posts are already indexed and if the search engine's robot come to label and archive pages then it will see the similar content which is already indexed and here it makes the duplicate content issue. So let's disable the archive pages for index.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
Search for <a class=post-count-link expr:href=data:i.url>
Replace the above code with this following code.
Save it.
<a rel=archives class=post-count-link expr:href=data:i.url>
This problem is almost same with the optimizing labels links. Archive and Labels pages show the similar posts which are sent to the search engine for index. Now, the posts are already indexed and if the search engine's robot come to label and archive pages then it will see the similar content which is already indexed and here it makes the duplicate content issue. So let's disable the archive pages for index.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
Search for <a class=post-count-link expr:href=data:i.url>
Replace the above code with this following code.
Save it.
<a rel=archives class=post-count-link expr:href=data:i.url>
8. Enable Search Description and Custom Robots Header Tags
You can write a description of your blog as well as a separate description for every single post but for this you have to do some work. Checkout these posts for detailed Search Description and Custom Robots Header Tags lead. Just follow the below simple steps.
You can write a description of your blog as well as a separate description for every single post but for this you have to do some work. Checkout these posts for detailed Search Description and Custom Robots Header Tags lead. Just follow the below simple steps.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences >> Meta Tags >>
Tick Mark Yes and write maximum description of your blog within 150 words.
Now below the same page their will be an option Custom Robots Header Tags. Enable it and adjust the settings same as below .
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences >> Meta Tags >>
Tick Mark Yes and write maximum description of your blog within 150 words.
Now below the same page their will be an option Custom Robots Header Tags. Enable it and adjust the settings same as below .
Save changes. By this you can write a separate meta description for a single post which is a very good option as it will help your post better ranked in search engine.
When writing a post, you will see a crate named search description on the right sidebar, where you can write a search description for the post you are going to write.
9. Add a Custom Robots.txt File
This is an advanced option. This option was not available in the bloggers old interface but is gift in the new interface. You have to use this option correctly otherwise it will be causing trouble for you. By this option you can tell the search bots, which part of your blog should be indexed and which should be not. Just follow the under easy steps.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences
At the end there will be Custom Robots.Txt .
Tick mark Yes to enable.
After tick marking yes, a bin will appear where you have to insert the fragment of coding which will be understandable for search engine crawlers. Just insert the below coding in that crate.
Replace yourdomain with your domain.
Save it.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /
Dear! This was a collection of best SEO tips you should implement upon your blog.
Image Sources: Google
When writing a post, you will see a crate named search description on the right sidebar, where you can write a search description for the post you are going to write.
9. Add a Custom Robots.txt File
This is an advanced option. This option was not available in the bloggers old interface but is gift in the new interface. You have to use this option correctly otherwise it will be causing trouble for you. By this option you can tell the search bots, which part of your blog should be indexed and which should be not. Just follow the under easy steps.
Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences
At the end there will be Custom Robots.Txt .
Tick mark Yes to enable.
After tick marking yes, a bin will appear where you have to insert the fragment of coding which will be understandable for search engine crawlers. Just insert the below coding in that crate.
Replace yourdomain with your domain.
Save it.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /
Dear! This was a collection of best SEO tips you should implement upon your blog.
Image Sources: Google
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